Help Stop the Frack Attack!
Posted on May 1st, 2012 by Lauren PagelFrom California to New York, from North Dakota to Texas, people across the country are converging on the U.S. Capitol to tell Congress, the President and the world to end the rush to drill and STOP THE FRACK ATTACK.
JOIN US — a nationwide coalition of citizens, communities and organizations declaring the time is NOW to use our collective power to end oil and gas drilling that harms public health, water and air quality, and the climate.
Posted on June 1st, 2012Don’t forget to sign up so we know how many people are coming!
Wednesday- July 25th
6:30pm-8:00pm Evening Lobbying and Marshall Trainings
Location: TBA
These trainings are not required for people who are lobbying, but it is highly recommended that you attend them. We will discuss how to lobby, what are asks to members are, what to expect from lobbying meetings and more importantly how to get around the hill! We will also be having a Marshall Training where we will go over conflict resolution, the plan for the march and fracking water drop off, and give out some other roles that we need filled to make sure STFA goes off without a hitch.
Thursday- July 26th-
Lobby Day
9:00am-5:00pm- Lobbying at the US Capitol
Location: US Capitol Visitor Center( we will have a space there all day)
So after being trained the night before, we will hit the pavement of Capitol Hill and bring our message to our members of the US Congress. Lobbying is a tactic that is as old as government it self, and is a great way to start create the pressure needed to help close the loop holes in the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act. We will also be doing a group photo at Noon on the steps of the capitol!
More questions? Concerns? shoot us an email: info@stopthefrackattack.org
Friday- July 27th
Stop the Frack Attack Gathering
10:00am- Noon: Trainings
Location: St Stephens Church, 1525 Newton St NW Washington DC 20006
These training are what people told us they wanted and needed. Well; people are still telling us, so please fill out this survey monkey to tell us what you want and need. We’re looking to have four different trainings! Check out the survey here!
1:00pm- 5:00pm: Strategy Session
Frackactivist from Far and Wide are coming into DC, and its time to figure out how we are actually going to win. This time period is being set up so we can make that happen. We will break up by geographic regions, as well as a youth break out, and talk Strategy. Whats Working? Whats not? What can we do better? These are the questions we hope to answer.
6:30-8:30: Townhall
We are working hard to get this event off the ground and we are gaining some traction, consider this the pre-rally. Our goal is to get someone from the Obama Administration here to talk to us about fracking and then have an open Q&A session… word on the street it might be someone big, but once we know we will let you know!
Saturday- July 28th
Rally and March2:00pm Rally
Location: The West Lawn of the Capitol
This is the big day, we are organizing to get as many people as possible there! Our goal is 10,000 and the way things are looking we should meet it like no other. We have people confirmed from Texas, West Virginia, New York, Vermont, and even Australia. If you want to help get people there organize a Bus! (Click here for the how to on that). This rally will give us the energy needed to get pumped up to take our demands to the corporate powers at hand who pushing fracking onto our communities.
3:30 pm March
Location: The Streets of DC
After getting pumped up by our awesome speakers, its time to hit the streets. We are going to be making a special delivery to the American Petroleum Institute and at American Natural Gas Association. They say Fracking is good for our water, we say nay nay and we have the water to prove it.
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